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 Featured Sports Personality
Sunil Manohar Gavaskar
What makes a great player stand out from an ordinary one is the ability to defy the law of averages. What makes a charismatic one is the courage to be himself. What has made Sunil Man...[read more]

 Featured Political Personality
Lalu Prasad Yadav
It is not very easy to find adjective to define this Yadav. He is an adjective in himself. He constantly provides cartoonists, humor columnists and night show hosts with raw material....[read more]

 Featured Philosopher
Swami Vivekananda
Narendranath Dutt was born into an upper-middle-class Kayastha family in Bengal. His education was in a western-style university where he was exposed to western philosophy, Christiani...[read more]

 Featured Scientist
Jagadish Chandra Bose
Born in Mymensingh in Bengal, Jagdish Chandra got his degree from the University of Cambridge and thereafter he came back to India to become a professor of physical science at Preside...[read more]

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